When I first started to look at the figure in hand, the face shape immediately suggested a TV and the curve of the head a "hoodie", so I rolled with that and went for a little nostalgic wander.
First step, it had to be wearing sneakers of course, which I sculpted onto the figure using a 2 part epoxy clay.
Next was the TV screen, which was cast in clear resin with an image of a static analogue screen embedded in it, or "noise" as we called it...remember back!! Then polished up to look like glass, set on the faceplate and built into place with clay.
Primed and ready to paint....
The end result is character whose face is an old analogue TV screen. His body is suitably, non-digitally dressed, in classic retro Adidas. I used the static on the screen to suggest the idea of his being stuck in a moment of time, jammed in a channel from a bygone era. He's either waiting to be tuned back in or happy to be lost in a fuzzy place from the past.
"Old Skool" stands a whopping 8 inches tall and is available to purchase for 130 EUROS. Contact info@flawtoys.com for info.
Check out photos from the opening night here and see some of the amazing works on show.
Artist Line-up:
A little
Stranger - Bashprojects - David Stevenson - DonP - DT Custom - Eechone
- Flawtoys - Godhay toys - Haus of Boz - Hugh Rose - JC Rivera - Lisa
Rae Hansen - Map Map - Mr Martin - Okkle - Paperfiction - Pixelkaiju -
Planet Domu - PJ Constable - Reet Neet (R3) - Run DMB - Squink! - Stuart
Witter - Taylored Curiosities - Tim Sprangers
I'm really quite desperate to own this guy, can anybody help please?