Saturday 1 December 2012

Sneaky Snowball

So it's the 1st of December, the first day of Advent and the Sneaky Snowball opening is all over.  The opening last night was a huge success and I am proud to be a part of Sneaky Raccoon's collection of  Festive inspired Kidrobot Munnyworld custom toys.  If you're near London get yourself down to the Kidrobot store for a festive treat as this show is running over the weekend.

 "Hissy Fit"  is a very angry little girl. She never gets what she wants, especially at Christmas time.  A custom Rooz.

"Oh Deer!" is the second of my pieces in the show. 

A very special little Reindeer that showed so much promise, plucked too early from the world, who knows who he could have grown up to be.

Toys that weren't snapped up last night are still available and you can contact Kidrobot London for details.

(The writing of this blog post took at least 20 Polly Pocket clothes changes with my 5 yr old sat next to me)

Added on some WIP photos:

Used the Rooz ears for the bow.